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I'm a wife, boy mom, brand & web designer.

I was introduced to Photoshop when I became my high school newspaper's photo editor. I immediately fell in love and sorely disliked when the bell rang and it was time to move on to the next class. I remember finally getting it loaded on my home computer and would play with it so much that I was procrastinating homework! I do believe that only a handful of days have gone by where I haven't opened my designing software ever since.


I am a wife, boy mom, brand and web designer. My husband is one of the first boys I met when I moved here to Lompoc, California back in 1997! We were in middle school and considered ourselves to be boyfriend and girlfriend. After going separate ways in high school, we fell back in love via MySpace. Soon after were married and found ourselves with three crazy little boys who definitely keep us on our toes.

My clients are extremely passionate about their businesses, as I am with mine. They have appreciation for simple and beautiful design and believe in the value of investing in elevating their brand identity. I strive to read each of my clients and listen carefully to what goals they have for their brand and create an identity that works to help achieve those goals. The trick is to imagine every brand as if it were my own.


With a clientele ranging from boutiques, bloggers, florists, photographers, personal trainers, churches, schools, contractors, wineries, breweries, and almost everything in between - Vibrant Imagery's mission is to help you transform your business by helping you step up your presence and establish your credibility through vibrant design!

MY GOALS FOR YOur business

Help you master your brand identity so you can attract and convert higher-quality clients who understand your value.

Create a brand that will easily expand to accept more, so that as your business grows, your brand also scales with it.


Design a brand experience so your clients can feel your brand presence at every touch-point throughout the sales process and beyond.



Let me hear yours! I want to hear all about the

vision you have for your brand!

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