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Instacart is a LIFESAVER!

Ok, so last night, I decided to give Instacart a try. It's been available in my area for a while now, I just hadn't really needed to take advantage of it because I work from home and do have chances to get out and go to the grocery store, where I usually have my toddler and baby tag along. What is Instacart? It's a GROCERY DELIVERY SERVICE. Yup. Game. Changer. Do yourself a favor and get the app here: and follow along!

I just came home from enjoying a special getaway with my hubby in Colorado Springs, CO (where he is currently doing a TDY before leaving for his deployment). My parents were super gracious in taking the boys for 4 days and allowing me to go. Well, when I got home yesterday morning, my two bigger boys were down and knocked out with the flu. We definitely needed food in the house since I was gone for most the week. My mom also came down with the flu so couldn't watch them any longer... so I was basically stuck at home with no way to get groceries. Then the idea popped into my head that I had heard that FoodsCo now delivers groceries! Definitely needed to try it out! I got on their website and was so incredibly pleased with how easy it was to choose what I needed and order the items for delivery. I posted about my experience via InstaStories and the response has been overwhelming... so I wanted to blog about it!

At first I didn't know that it was an app, but now that I do, I'm going to share how to do it over the app! (PS, I don't know if this service is available everywhere, but it's worth checking to see if it is in your area!)

Just like every week, I started by making my weekly menu and grocery list based off of what is on my menu and what we already have in our home. (My tip is to always shop your pantry first!)

Then I just log into the app, where you'll be able to put in your zip code and search for stores that deliver in your area. I personally chose FoodsCo because it's cheaper than the other options available. I'm seriously such a penny pincher lol!

After that, I can literally enter each item that I need into the search bar and sort by cheapest to most expensive version available. AND if there are coupons available, it will let you know and let you apply them to your order!

You can then easily add in the quantity of your order and Add to Cart!

Once you have everything in your cart, you can complete your order and sign up for text updates. Which will let you know who is going doing your shopping and any updates.

You'll also get updates if they can't find your item due to it being out of stock. But they will find something else to replace your original item with. One thing I was kind of like "OH GEEZ!" about was I got a thing of greek yogurt for like $4.50, but it was out of stock so he picked up a different brand that was like $6.50! EEK! But everything else that had to be replaced was of very similar price. Delivery fees are impressively low as well! My first delivery fee was FREE, and for FoodsCo, it's only $3.99 after that (plus you can add in a tip that you can give to your personal shopper/deliverer).

When everything got here (in about 1 hour after ordering - and oh BTW... you can have things delivered to you ASAP or choose the time you want it delivered) it was GREAT! Lance was very kind and brought my groceries to my door, and I grabbed them from him as he got other bags from his car. I was a little worried about things missing or the produce I needed would be kind of like, just chosen without being quality controlled... but every single thing was there AND the produce was impeccable! Probably better than I would have chosen lol!!! He also put everything into categories which made it really nice for putting them away (i.e. deli, frozen, produce, etc.)

I know A LOT of people that this app would help out! I mean, everyone from busy working moms like myself (or anyone who works and doesn't want to spend their free time grocery shopping), to elderly people, or people that just need a little helping hand like I did last night! It's really a lifesaver! I'm SO glad I tried it! I'm going to try not to spoil myself TOO much with this app though, because I'm a firm believer in getting my boys in public out at stores and restaurants so we can teach them how to behave... but it sure is great to know it's there if I need it! Let me know how you if you try it and how you liked it in the comments!

Work from home graphic designer, momtrepreneur and wifey, curvy wellness advocate, business mentor, superfoods shake lover, dreamer, go-getter, wanna-be cupcake baker and interior designer. Here's a little look into my crazy, non-stop, happy life.

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